GPU2020 Hyperplane

Same DGX-1 Hardware for 30% Less

Up to 8x NVLinked Tesla V100 GPUs. Save up to 90% by moving your Deep Learning workload from cloud to on-premise.

Trusted by Top A.I. Research Groups

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Most Popular Options

Customize From Scratch


4x Tesla V100 Server

In Stock (Ships in 2-3 Days)
4-way NVLink
2x Xeon Silver 4116 (12 Cores)
4x Tesla V100s (32 GB VRAM)
256 GB RAM
Customizable Storage
10 Gbps Ethernet
Starting at
$ 47,677

8x Tesla V100 Server

In Stock (Ships in 2-3 Days)
8-way NVLink
2x Xeon Gold 6148 (20 Cores)
8x Tesla V100 GPUs (32 GB VRAM)
512 GB RAM
Customizable Storage
100 Gbps InfiniBand
Starting at
$ 103,428

8x Tesla V100 Server

In Stock (Ships in 2-3 Days)
8-way NVLink
2x Xeon Platinum 8168 (24 Cores)
8x Tesla V100s (32 GB VRAM)
768 GB RAM
Customizable Storage
100 Gbps InfiniBand
Starting at
$ 117,221

4x or 8x Tesla V100

In Stock (Ships in 2-3 Days)
Any Processor
4x or 8x Tesla V100s (32 GB VRAM)
Up to 768 GB RAM
Fully Customizable Storage
100 Gbps InfiniBand
Starting at

Zero Setup, Easy Updates

GPU2020 Stack comes free with your computer. Machine Learning libraries work out-of-the box and can be updated automatically.